Interested in singing bowls?

Singing bowls, also known as Tibetan singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, are musical instruments that have been used for centuries in various spiritual and healing practices. They are renowned for the therapeutic effects they produce when playing, also referred to as sound therapy. Sound therapy can help calm and relax both mind and body.

How they Work?

Singing bowls produce sound through vibration. When you strike or rub the bowl's rim with a mallet, it creates vibrations in the metal. These vibrations produce a rich, harmonic sound that is often described as soothing and resonant. The vibrations produced by the bowl create resonance within the metal and the surrounding air. This resonance is what gives singing bowls their unique and calming sound. Depending on the craftmanship, shape and size of the singing bowls, they can produce multiple harmonics simultaneously, which can create a complex and layered sound. These harmonics produce unique vibrational properties that contribute to their therapeutic effects.

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What are the benefits?

The soothing sound of singing bowls is often used for relaxation and stress reduction. Listening to the sound of a singing bowl can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety.  Vibrations produced by the singing bowls can have a therapeutic effect on the body and mind. Many individuals use singing bowls to aid in sleep as the calming and soothing sound can help them relax and fall asleep more easily. Singing bowls are frequently used as meditation tools. The sound they produce can help individuals enter a meditative state more easily by providing a focal point for concentration. Some spiritual practices use singing bowls to balance and align the body’s chakras, the energy centers within our body. Each of the seven chakras are associated with a specific pitch, and using the corresponding singing bowl will help balance the chakras to induce a sense of well-being.

  • Reduces anxiety.
  • Therapeutic effect on mind and body.
  • Helps falling asleep more easily.
  • Meditation tool
  • Helps balance body’s chakras

Everything you need to know about chakras in 5 minutes

Scroll through the cards to learn about the 7 major chakras in your body. Learn what they are and how they affect you.